You will surely welcome the opportunity for your company to introduce Flash Robotic Software to handle these issues robotically.

Flash is defined as an "expert" system. It emulates the actions of an experienced operator working in an airline's host reservation system. Flash can reduce airline distribution costs and solve staffing problems, in multiple business areas, by providing an automated business solution.

Flash enables an airline to automate its queue handling by providing:
  • Approximately 90% automated message handling;
  • Queue processing;
  • PK notification and flight firming;
  • An inexpensive robotic approach;
  • Actioning messages and/or PNRs based upon your own processing rules.
  • Flash is based on over 20 years of airline experience!
Flash has been in daily operation and subjected to rigorous testing. Excellent results have been achieved by demanding users.

While Flash is running, you can watch a display of every action taken and see the total statistics too. You can also customize the queues to match your own operation.

Features and Benefits
Flash provides an airline with the tools required to dramatically reduce distribution costs and improve yield whilst minimizing required staffing levels. This is achieved by its:
  • Ability to automate almost any task
  • Unattended 24 hour operation
  • Simple scripting language. Easy to use and modify
  • Statistics on every action by GDS source
  • 3D graphics and charts
  • Complete audit trail
  • Ability to process messages or PNRs from a queue or "text" file

 Airlogica Corporation
 2804 Regal Road
 Plano, Texas 75075

 Site Designed / Developed:
 Vascent Studios